July 8, 2024
Annapolis, US 92 F

Why It’s Okay to Not Have It All Figured Out and Be Perfect

The pressure to be perfect is all too real for today’s teenagers. Curated feeds filled with #blessed moments and flawless lives can make anyone feel like they’re falling short. We scroll through, comparing our messy realities to these picture-perfect snapshots, and the pressure to be perfect intensifies. 

But the truth is that perfection is a myth. It’s an airbrushed fantasy that doesn’t exist in the real world. Striving for it will only leave you feeling burnt out and inadequate. This can cause anxiety, stress, depression, and mental health issues, and suicide appears as the only solution for some teenagers. If you have a young teenager at home or know someone who says things like “I wish I were dead” or “I won’t be a problem to you anymore,” getting help for a suicidal teen is crucial as soon as possible.

Why Do We Feel So Pressured to Be Perfect?

Social media plays a huge role. We’re bombarded with carefully created online personalities, which makes it easy to forget that everyone has struggles they don’t post about. You end up questioning your career path, your relationships, or even your entire life direction. 

Then there are societal expectations. From a young age, we usually get messages about achieving, like “get good grades,” “land the perfect job,” “build a dream family,” and the list goes on. These expectations feel overwhelming when life is not going as expected.

Also, there is fear of missing out (FOMO). Sometimes, watching friends win at life, travel the world, and get good grades makes us feel like we’re lagging behind. But the fact is those highlight reels don’t tell the whole story. Everyone experiences moments of doubt, setbacks, and messy realities that they don’t post on social media.

What Happens When You Feel You Haven’t It All Figured Out?

Even though the pressure of perfection sometimes motivates us to achieve great things, it usually comes at a high cost. Some of the negative effects of constantly struggling for flawlessness are:

  • Anxiety and Stress: The pressure of perfection leaves us feeling constantly on edge, worried about making mistakes and disappointing ourselves or others. 
  • Burnout: Constantly pushing ourselves to be the best can lead to exhaustion and a feeling of emotional depletion.
  • Low Self-Esteem: When we fall short of our own impossible expectations, it takes a major toll on our self-worth.
  • Procrastination: The fear of making mistakes can lead to paralysis and prevent us from starting or completing tasks. 
  • Missed Opportunities: Perfectionism can make us hesitant to take risks or explore new possibilities for fear of failure. 

Learn to Think “Not Yet”

Sometimes, the pressure to have it all figured out comes from internal expectations. We tell ourselves stories like “I should know what I want to do in my life by now” or “I shouldn’t be struggling with this.” These internal thoughts are limiting. 

Instead, try replacing those negative thoughts with a more encouraging phrase, “Not yet,” “I don’t have it all figured out yet,” or “This challenge is tough, but I’m learning and growing.” “Not yet” acknowledges your current state without judgment and leaves room for future growth and possibilities. 

Be Imperfectly Perfect

There’s a whole different world between perfect and failure. To reach there, you need to accept life’s beautiful mess. Success is not a standard term. It’s about setting realistic goals that align with your values and passions. Focus on the journey, not on the destination. Acknowledge your efforts and celebrate even the small wins. 

Mistakes can happen, but they’re a valuable learning experience. See them as stepping stones, not roadblocks. It takes courage to be vulnerable and show your imperfections. But by doing so, you connect with others on a deeper level and create space for them to do the same. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you’d offer a friend.

You Are Enough

You are worthy just as you are, flaws and all. Perfection is a myth, and the pressure to achieve it is a burden you don’t have to carry. Focus on growth, celebrate your progress, and accept the beautiful, messy realities of being human. You don’t need to have it all figured out to be worthy and deserving of happiness.

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