June 30, 2024
Annapolis, US 80 F

I-Day 2024. Class of 2028, Welcome to the USNA and Annapolis

Approximately 1,200 men and women reported to Alumni Hall at the Naval Academy this morning for Induction Day, culminating in an Oath of Office ceremony this evening. 2D LIEUT Dante Carrasco (USNA 2024) escorted us today and was able to provide some insight (video to come).

These incoming plebes (freshmen) said goodbye to their families and were processed through various stations inside Alumni Hall to become members of the Naval Academy’s Class of 2028. Stations include uniform issue, medical examinations, haircuts, and learning to salute. The day will culminate with the Oath of Office ceremony at 6 pm in Tecumseh Court outside of Bancroft Hall. After the ceremony, plebes will meet with their families for the last time until Plebe Parents’ Weekend, in mid-August. Plebe Summer officially begins after the Oath of Office ceremony.

Class of 2028 Stats

  • Men: 814 ( 10, 2987 applications)
  • Women: 373 (4,859 applications)
  • Minority: 511
  • International Students (17): Bangladesh, Ecuador, Fiji, Gambia, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Lithuania, Mongolia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Tunisia, and Vietnam.
  • Legacy: 38 Men, 27 Women. Of note, seven members of the class of 28 had both parents attend the USNA

.Plebe Summer Facts

  • They eat 4000 calories per day
  • They awake at 530 am and lights out at 1000 pm.
  • They undergo 135 hours of physical training
  • They run 100 miles
  • By the end of the summer, they must do 45 push-ups, 65 curl-ups, a 1.5 mile run under 10:30,
  • They will memorize all 225 pages of Reef Points, the “manual” for the USNA
  • They will not have access to Internet, television, music, movies, or radio.
  • They are allowed to make only three telephone calls during the seven weeks of summer.
  • They will be reunited with their family on Parents Weekend at the end of the sixth week, and they will be changed people.

Right now, the Class of 2028 has been processed and is in Bancroft Hall being attended to by the detailers (upperclassmen) and being further indoctrinated into the ways of the USNA. They will emerge at 6 pm as changed men and women who will take part in an Oath of Office Ceremony. They will be briefly reunited with their loved ones for a final bit of home cooking before heading into Bancroft for the first night of Plebe Summer.

And sometimes, the Plebes of yesterday never want to leave! It was good to see VADM Sean Buck, former Superintendent of the USNA still carrying on his tradition of the first haircut on I-Day!

For more information about Induction Day and Plebe Summer at USNA, please visit:



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