July 16, 2024
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Where to See Dinosaurs in Maryland

Dinosaur enthusiasts are thrilled about the discovery of a “bone bed” in Laurel, Maryland. A “bone bed” occurs when bones from various species are concentrated together into one geologic layer.

Prince George’s County is home to Dinosaur Park, where visitors can take part in community digs to search for fossils of Astrodon johnstoni – Maryland’s state dinosaur. Here was also where its first fossils were discovered. You will not see a lifelike animatronic T-Rex dinosaur but you will surely appreciate the skeletons and fossils. 

Dinosaur Park

Maryland dino fans looking for an authentic dinosaur experience should visit Laurel for this fossil site, home to pre-Cretaceous fossils dating back to the early Cretaceous Period. Established by M-NCPCC Park and featuring educational experiences like community digs with park staff.

Fossils were discovered here almost by accident in 2014. After a worker using heavy machinery accidentally chipped a rock, excavation uncovered an archaeological artifact from one of Earth’s giant carnivores: Acrocanthosaurus Rex was nearly twice its size! It later proved to be an Acrocanthosaurus shin bone.

Paleontologists who study dinosaurs will find this park especially significant as a result. Scientists have dubbed it a dinosaur “bone bed”, the first such site found since 1887 and the most complete East of Rocky Mountains dinosaur site according to one paleontologist.

National Harbor

Discover your inner paleontologist at this outdoor park and fossil site! It boasts an extraordinary deposit of early Cretaceous period fossils dating back 115 million years – perfect for unleashing your inner paleontologist! Join the scientists in digging for dino bones during community digs held every first and third Saturday each month!

Paleontologists have discovered some spectacular dinosaur bones at this location in Laurel. So much so, that the site has been elevated into what’s referred to as a “bone bed.” A “bone bed” occurs when large quantities of one or more dinosaur species are concentrated within a geologic layer.

This site was discovered accidentally when workers operating excavation equipment at the site accidentally chipped off part of a small theropod skeleton that later proved to be that of Astrodon johnstoni, Maryland’s state dinosaur (Astrodon means star tooth). Based on its teeth structure, the Astrodon was likely an herbivorous sauropod similar to Tyrannosaurus rex that likely fed on meat-eating sauropods like Tyrannosaurus rex.

The Maryland Science Center

Visitors to this museum can learn about dinosaurs and other animals, while engaging in physical science demonstrations such as Bernoulli blowers and inertia tables.

The Maryland Science Center is an ideal destination for exploring science, technology, and human culture. Popular exhibits at this attraction include Dinosaur Mysteries, Cells: The Universe Inside Us and SpaceLink.

Dinosaur Mysteries features more than 150 dinosaur models, such as full-scale replicas of Maryland’s state dinosaur, Astrodon, and Acrocanthosaurus, on display for visitors of all ages to experience how scientists study fossils. The exhibit offers children and adults alike the chance to gain insight into this topic.

Paleontologists at Laurel’s Dinosaur Park recently unearthed what paleontologists refer to as a “bone bed.” Such finds are rare, and this one marks Maryland’s first since 1887. This likely formed from ancient water channels bringing bones into what is now Maryland Laurel region; making the site an invaluable find for paleontologists.

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