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Hunter Hobson Shares The Different Types of Photography

Hunter Hobson reiterates that there are many different types of photography, each with its specific purpose. In this article, we will explore the different types of photography to understand better which one(s) might be right for you.


Portrait photography is all about capturing the essence of a person. This can be done in a studio with professional lighting or on location with natural light. Portraits can be formal or informal and can be taken of people of all ages.

Likeness Portraits

Likeness portraits are all about capturing how someone looks. If you’re taking a picture of someone for their driver’s license or passport photo, this is the type of portrait you want to take. When taking a likeness portrait, it’s essential to ensure that your subject is well-lit and that there are no shadows on their face. You’ll also want to tell them to avoid movement and to keep a neutral expression.

Personality Portraits

Personality portraits are all about capturing who someone is as a person. When taking a personality portrait, trying to capture your subject in a candid moment is essential. This could mean capturing them while they’re engaged in an activity they love or while their friends and family surround them. Whatever you do, make sure you avoid posed shots where your subject looks stiff and unnatural.

Emotion Portraits

Emotion portraits are all about capturing the emotions your subject is feeling in the moment. This could be anything from happiness and joy to sadness and grief. When taking an emotional portrait, capturing the rawest form of your subject’s emotions by shooting candidly is essential. Posed shots will often look forced and fake when trying to capture emotions.


Wedding photography is one of the most popular genres of photography. It captures the special moments of a couple’s big day, from the bride getting ready to the first dance. Wedding photos are often candid and natural, as well as posed shots of the couple and their guests.


Wildlife photography is the art of photographing animals in their natural habitat. This can be done with a telephoto lens from a distance or by getting up close and personal with your subject. Wildlife photographers must often wait patiently for the perfect shot and be prepared to capture split-second moments.


Landscape photography focuses on the beauty of the outdoors, from mountain ranges to oceans and everything in between. Landscape photos can be taken with a wide variety of lenses, depending on the effect you are going for.


Product photography is all about making products look their best. This can be done in a studio with controlled lighting or on location with natural light. Product photos are often used in advertising and marketing materials, as well as on websites and online stores. Here are a few tips for product photography.

Lighting Is Everything

Make sure your products are evenly lit from all sides. Avoid using flash photography, as this can often create harsh shadows that make products look less than ideal.

Keep It Simple

Generally, less is more regarding background scenery in product photos. A plain white or blue background will help potential customers focus on the product itself instead of getting distracted by busy patterns or disruptive colors.

Get Close-Up

Take close-up shots of your products so potential customers can see all the details. Include at least one photo that shows the product from multiple angles so customers can get a complete sense of what it looks like.

Focus On The Essential Details

When photographing items like jewelry or food, focus on the most critical information (for example, the diamond in a ring or the melted chocolate in a cupcake).

Food photography is one of the most challenging and rewarding genres of photography. It makes delicious-looking dishes look even more appetizing through creative composition and lighting techniques. Food photos can be taken in a studio or location and are often used in cookbooks, ads, and restaurant menus.

Black And White

To create dramatic images, black and white photography focuses on contrasting light and dark tones. This type of photography can be used for portraits, landscapes, still life, and abstract subjects. Black and white photos are sometimes converted from color photos, or they can be captured in black and white from the start.

Black and white photography can create a sense of nostalgia or timelessness. The lack of color does not diminish the power of an image. Some argue that the absence of color pulls the focus onto the subject matter itself. This can be used to significant effect in portraiture or photojournalism.

Sports Photography

Sports photography captures athletes in action, whether it’s a game of tennis or a football match. Sports photos are usually taken from afar with a telephoto lens, but they can also be taken up close to show the intense concentration on an athlete’s face.

Street Photography

Street photography captures everyday life as it unfolds in public places like streets, parks, markets, etc. Street photos are often candid and spontaneous, showing people going about their lives without knowing they’re being photographed.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, many different types of photography are out there. Which one(s) appeal to you? If you’re unsure where to start, why not experiment with different kinds until you find your niche, like Hunter Hobson? With so many possibilities out there, the sky’s the limit.

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