July 17, 2024
Annapolis, US 89 F

Keep Your Butts Out of The Bay

Photo by Sera Cocora

In late July, Mayor Gavin Buckley announced that the public education campaign to encourage the disposal of cigarette butts in appropriate receptacles, which began last year, continues as No Butts in the Bay! Summer Splash.

The campaign is important because cigarette butts threaten area waterways and wildlife and draws attention to the toxic nature of cigarette butt litter. Cigarette butts are made of non-biodegradable plastic that wildlife confuse with food. Worldwide, butts are the most littered item found in all cleanups.

Over the next few months, residents of Annapolis will see additional cigarette butt receptacles installed around the City, branded with “No Butts in the Bay!” graphics and carrying these messages:

  • Cigarette butts are not only unsightly litter, negatively affecting our beautiful town, but with every rainfall, they wash into our creeks, rivers, and ultimately, the Chesapeake Bay.
  • Cigarette butts are made of plastic and are not biodegradable; instead, they break up into microscopic pieces that marine life and birds mistake for food.
  • Cigarette butts are designed to absorb toxic chemicals from entering smokers’ lungs, so they are packed with toxins that are harmful to land-based wildlife like birds and to marine life.

“We want our city to be clean and beautiful, but we also want our environment to be safe for us and for all living things,” said Mayor Buckley. “We want to encourage our residents and visitors who choose to smoke to do the right thing by our environment, so we are in full support of local environmental nonprofit Annapolis Green’s initiative to install more receptacles and to spread the word.”

Smokers are encouraged to dispose of cigarette butts in appropriate receptacles rather than flicking them on the street. Annapolis Green will engage residents in the Greater Annapolis area and involve the arts community in fun and innovative ways to get the word out.

The campaign is funded by a grant from the Forever Maryland, Maryland Environmental Trust, Maryland Department of Transportation, and Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development; and will be carried out by Annapolis Green.

The campaign is part of the City’s continuing efforts to create a Plastic-Free Annapolis.

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