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January 19, 2022 | Daily News Brief | Police Shenanigans. Mask Suit. Free COVID Tests. Sock Burning and Blues Festival

Give us about ten minutes a day and we will give you all the local news, local sports, local weather, and local events you can handle.

SPONSORS: Many thanks to our sponsors… Solar Energy Services because solar should be in your future!

The Kristi Neidhardt Team. If you are looking to buy or sell your home, give Kristi a call at 888-860-7369!

And Rehab 2 Perform


Bad cops seem to be getting easy treatment from the judicial system. Two local businessmen files suit against the County for the mask order. Governor Hogan has extended the open enrollment for the Maryland Health Connection. The Federal website to get free COVID tests mailed to your home is live– COVIDTests.gov is the place to go. The Annapolis City Council is back to virtual meetings. The 10th Annual Oyster Roast and Sock Burning at the Annapolis Maritime Museum & Park is a go! And the lineup for this year’s Chesapeake Bay Blues Festival is amazing!  We dropped a phone call with Ann from Covington Alsina that you might not have received, so it is tacked on the end of this–and if you have a high schooler or young college-aged kid, you need to hand out and listen–it’s only a 7-minute call. And we can use some more local businesses to spotlight! Give me some leads!

Back with her weekly Annapolis After Dark is BeeprBuzz. She’ll keep you up to speed on all of the fantastic live music we have in the area!

And as usual, George from DCMDVA Weather is here with your local weather forecast! Please download their APP so you can keep on top of the local weather scene!

The Eye On Annapolis Daily News Brief is produced every Monday through Friday at 6:00 am and available wherever you get your podcasts and also on our social media platforms–All Annapolis and Eye On Annapolis (FB) and @eyeonannapolis (TW)

NOTE: For hearing impaired subscribers, a full transcript is available on Eye On Annapolis

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The Eye On Annapolis Daily News Brief is produced every Monday through Friday at 6:00 am. Subscribing is free and the easiest way to make sure you get your news delivered right to your device each day. All the links you need are below!

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All content ©2022, JVE Group, Inc. | Eye On Annapolis


Good morning, it is Wednesday, January 18th,  2022 and THIS is your Eye On Annapolis Daily News Brief.

Well it sounds like January will not disappoint for snow lovers. I’ve been hearing all the buzz about potentially two storms in the next week. But we will let George give us the skinny on that.   OK, news. Let’s get into it … shall we?

Some disconcerting police news on the City and County front. Last week we heard about the City cop who was moonlighting at Walmart for security who stole thousands of dollars of merchandise—a Baltimore County judge suspended his entire sentence. Now we hear a Howard County judge gave an Anne Arundel County cop probation before judgement after a drunken brawl with his brother when they assaulted cops. And in the trifecta, an Anne Arundel County judge dismissed a case against an Annapolis detective who was basically not investigating cases he was supposed to investigate, including several sexual assault and rape cases. He just closed them. The judge tossed the case because when police questioned their own they violated his rights. The judge said it was a “fundamental lack of understanding on the police department’s part on what is required”. Incidentally, the charged cop, resigned before the internal investigation could be complete. Well, if that is not a ringing endorsement of the APD I am not sure what is. And no wonder there is distrust of police and the judicial system. This really seems like the good old boy network is at work.

County Executive Pittman and Dr. Kalyanaraman are being sued for the mask mandate as expected. The complaint was filed on Friday asking for a temporary injunction. Two businessmen, James Zimmerer who owns Foundation Fitnesss on Industrial Drive and Pasquale Carranante a Pasadena Real Estate Agent with Remax filed the suit and the County was served papers yesterday. No hearing has been scheduled. In a call with media yesterday, County Executive Pittman said he is ready to fight the suit and cannot see any judge granting it based on the COVID numbers. However, Dr. Kalyanaraman also said he has no intention of extending his order beyond the 31st. Again, seems like an exercise in futility to me based on the timeline.

Governor Hogan, citing the ongoing state of emergency and the success of the program, has extended the open enrollment period for the Maryland Health Connection through the end of February. A record number of people have enrolled for 2022. Personally I am one of the 181,603 who did. It is very simple to do and if you don’t have insurance, it is a literal lifesaver. And oddly enough, we have some of the lowest rates in the nation and some of the largest percentages of people who get assistance with the premiums. MarylandHealthConnection.gov is where you want to go.

Another website you need to go to is COVIDTests.gov. This is the federal site to have at-home COVID tests sent to you. President Biden has purchased a billion tests and says they have enough for every home in America. They are free. COVIDTests.gov will direct you to the Post Office website where you just enter your address. We hear that multi family dwellings have a tough time as they share an address. If you get bounced and live in a condo or apartment, just put your unit number in the address field and the address in the unit number field. Call me a skeptic, but I am not so sure putting a billion tests in the hands of the post office is a good thing. I keep having flashbacks to Christmas 2020 and just today I got another Christmas card that was mailed to me on December 2nd. But maybe they will surprise me.

Annapolis City Council is returning to virtual meetings for the duration of the 90 day state of emergency declared on January 10th. All committees and commissions will also meet virtually however, the public facing departments will remain open– finance, city clerk, licenses and permits, transportation, and the rec center.

Something that is NOT virtual is the 10th Annual Oyster Roast and Sock Burning. I know we are talking about snow today, but March 19th from noon to 4 pm is the day to be at the Annapolis Maritime Museum & Park in Eastport for the annual event. Slurp some oysters (yuck), drink some frosty beverages, listen to some tunes and burn those stinky socks from the winter because spring will be around the corner! Tickets are on sale now– amaritime.org is where you want to go . The cost is $40, $10 for kids 5 to 10. Under 5 are free and there is a special $95 People’s Choice ticket that includes access to some food, judging in the best oyster dish in Annapolis, a couple of drinks and a bit more! Again, amaritime.org

And something I am jazzed…or maybe I should say blues-ed about is the Chesapeake bay Blues Festival. It is on again after a two-year hiatus and the lineup is hot… Joss Stone, The Spinners–yes THE Spinners, and my musician crush–Samantha Fish! Tickets on sale now at bayblues.org and the dates are May 21st and 22nd at Sandy Point!

Monday, Ann was talking about her High School Financial Literacy Program and we hopped on the phone really quickly yesterday to chat about it. I think I screwed up and you may not have had it pushed to you–so I will tack it on the end of today’s DNB. If you have a high school kid or college freshman that might need some financial skills…managing money, using credit wisely, things like that–give our 7 minute conversation a listen. It’s 6 Sundays long and 2 hours per Sunday starting this weekend!

Always looking for more local business spotlights. So keep sending me the suggestions! [email protected] or DM me on Twitter. There is no cost at all to the business and the episode will be sent to 14,000+ subscribers of the DNB, sent to our 50,000 on Twitter, the 130K on Facebook and then the 180,000 or so that read EyeOnAnnapolis.net.  Again, zippo for the cost!

OK, that’s it for the news, but first a quick thank you to our sponsors for this Daily News Brief– Solar Energy Services, the Kristi Neidhardt Team of Northrop Realty, a Long and Foster Company, and the Rehab 2 Perform!

OK, so now, hang tight,  George Young from DCMDVA Weather is standing by with your locally forecast weather report. And  back again–because it is Wednesday, Beepr Buzz with all the music buzz with Annapolis After Dark! All that in just a bit!

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