July 17, 2024
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6 Reasons to Consider a Career in Nursing

There are several reasons why nursing remains a compelling career option for so many people. If you’re interested in assisting those in need and serving your community, having the opportunity to work in various environments, and being a role model for younger generations, then nursing is an excellent way to make it happen.

At the same time, demand for those in the profession is at an all-time high and is expected to only continue rising in our aging population. You can also earn a lucrative income and pursue opportunities for advancement and growth, all while maintaining strong job security. There are dozens of titles and specializations to choose from.

Of course, getting there and enjoying these benefits doesn’t just happen. Becoming a registered nurse takes dedication, determination, and a fair bit of studying. So, before we explore the reasons to consider a career in nursing, let’s briefly discuss what you need to enter the field.

Earning Your Nursing Degree

When it comes to qualifying as a nurse, there are two options, namely an Associate’s Degree in Nursing (ADN) and the more popular Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree. The former typically comprises two years of education and clinical training and is the minimum requirement to obtain a registered nurse license.

On the other hand, the BSN degree involves two years of initial study followed by two more years of nursing classes and clinical training. This path will lead to more employment opportunities and is usually met with a higher starting salary. In fact, a growing number of healthcare centers demand that even their entry-level nurses possess a BSN degree.

Another benefit of studying for a Bachelor of Science in Nursing is that you can qualify for leadership and supervisory positions. It’s also a prerequisite for studying further, be it for a Clinical Nurse Specialist, Nurse Practitioner or Master of Science in Nursing degree. With a BSN, you will enter the healthcare world with more knowledge and confidence.

Granted, those years of studying do come at a cost, both in terms of time and money. An increasingly popular solution is to study online through an accelerated program, which is not only more affordable but also gives you enough spare time to handle the demands of daily life. You can view the online ABSN programs at Baylor University to learn more.

Now that we have a better idea of what it takes to become a registered nurse, we can dive deeper into the reasons to do so in the first place. Here are some key considerations.

High Demand

With an aging population and increased access to health insurance, hospitals and other healthcare facilities are more and more often finding themselves overwhelmed with the demand for care. And among those entering their retirement years are nurses themselves, who need to be replaced when they leave their workplaces.

The recent pandemic further highlighted this issue, as all too many beds could not be attended due to the lack of staff. While the problem is certainly a serious one, its silver lining comes in the form of strong job security and a wide range of open positions for qualified nurses to fill, along with sufficient opportunities for career advancement.

Meaning and Purpose

For most people, it is absolutely essential that their career provides them with meaning and purpose. As a nurse who spends their days changing lives and helping countless people through their most difficult moments, there will be no shortage of inspiration and motivation in your work. In short, nursing will prove to be an incredibly rewarding career.

Earning Potential

Altruism aside, you still have bills to pay and it’s comforting to know that nurses tend to fare well when it comes to how much they earn. According to the BLS, registered nurses earn an average of $73,300 per year. This number can be much higher depending on where you take your career, so rest assured that your tuition fees will be covered in due course.

Career Options

Now more than ever, nurses aren’t just nurses and there are plenty of directions for RN/BSN options. They can also be entrepreneurs, policymakers, professors, researchers, and leaders. They can also be administrators, bloggers, and influencers. At the uppermost levels, nurses also become doctors of their practice, making significant positive changes in the healthcare community.

With the freedom of choice that comes with being a qualified nurse, you can carve out a career path that suits your individual personality and preferences.

If you’re more comfortable carrying out your duties in a calmer and more stable setting, then you can enter an administrative position. If you prefer to be on your feet amidst the action, there are suitable areas of practice for that as well. If you’re a born leader, you will be glad to find many management and supervisory opportunities, too.

There’s also the growing trend of nurses becoming mobile, working in a variety of environments, and even traveling the country. And that isn’t to say you won’t be able to take your passion abroad, either – such opportunities do exist!

Educational Growth

For those who enjoy the premise of lifelong learning, nursing can provide the possibility to continuously further your education. In fact, there are growing initiatives for nurses to expand their knowledge and skills, with accessible learning opportunities for this purpose, including employers chipping in to cover the cost of obtaining higher qualifications.


In addition to the many other benefits and reasons that we haven’t mentioned in this guide, there’s the fact that nursing is a flexible career. This applies not only in the sense of being able to work in different areas and settings, but also when it comes to your schedule. As a nurse, it won’t be difficult to create an ideal balance between work and personal life.

As economies change and technology advances, job security is becoming increasingly rare in more and more fields. But one thing is for sure, and that’s the fact that nurses cannot be replaced. At this point, you should have all the reasons you need to start pursuing your nursing career. All that’s left is to get started.

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