July 17, 2024
Annapolis, US 88 F

BONUS CONTENT: Pittman takes the reins of Anne Arundel County

Steuart Pittman
County Executive Steuart Pittman

Thank you for joining us for this celebration of our county and our communities. Being elected as your County Executive is an incredible honor-and also a tremendous responsibility.

As I take the oath of office, know that I do so with a singular focus on working to make our county a better place for all residents. I pledge to maintain a government that will be fair, respectful, and diligent.

Today, I ask you to join me in our shared goal of making Anne Arundel County The Best Place.

And with those first words words, Anne Arundel County Executive, Steuart C. Pittman Jr., began to outline his vision for the County over the next four years.

The ceremony was focused on communities — the religious elements were represented by all faiths, and the speakers included an historian, a farmer, a student and a firefighter.  The Reverent Stephen A Tillett I, was the master of ceremonies and the pledge of allegiance was led by Speaker of the House of Delegates, Michael Busch.

Music was provided by the Wiley H. Bates Middle School Performing and Visual Arts Choir and the Fresh Start Church Ensemble.

For the first time in memory, the ceremony included a signer for the hearing impaired.

[bctt tweet=”As I take the oath of office, know that I do so with a singular focus on working to make our county a better place for all residents. I pledge to maintain a government that will be fair, respectful, and diligent.” username=”eyeonannapolis”]

Speaker Busch led the pledge of allegiance and offered the opening remarks welcoming all past and current politicians in the audience. He spoke how Virginia Claggett came to him presenting Steuart Pittman as a candidate for County District 7. It was decided after a meeting that he should run for County Executive.

After the benediction led by Imam Dr. Aamir Sheikh, Rabbi Josh Wohl, and the Rev. Dr. Karen V. Johnson, the 45 strong Bates Middle School Performing and Visual Arts Choir performed a musical selection.

Speakers included Janice Hayes Williams a long-time government employee and local historian; Josie Urrea, the student member of the Anne Arundel County Board of Education; Gary Hoenig, a Glen Burnie farmer; and Brian Holtslander, an Anne Arundel County Firefighter.

After a performance by the Fresh Start Church Ensemble, former County Executive and co-chair of the Pittman transition team Janet Owens addressed the crowd.

Owens noted that it was 20 years ago that she stood on this stage as the first woman elected to County Executive. She said it was considered an improbability that she could defeat an incumbent Republican, yet Pittman did it as well. She  says Pittman will listen, advocate for education and public safety.

Pittman was sworn in by newly elected (and newly sworn in) clerk of the courts Scott Poyer with his wife Erin, and their twin sons looking on. After swearing in, Pittman and outgoing County Executive Steve Schuh shared a handshake and a hug.


Steuart Pittman Oath of Office
Steuart Pittman takes oath of office for County Executive of Anne Arundel County.

(NOTE: Remarks below are excerpts of the remarks as best as we could transcribe them. For full remarks, please listen to the audio that will be added to this post)

In his remarks, Pittman opened with thanks to his wife Erin and sons Sam and Andy and his extended family. He thanked all the elected officials that guided him in the transition. In a nod to President Bush, he vowed to work with both parties to make things work. He thanked Schuh for his civility and the ease of which the transition occurred.  On the stage he had members of the teachers, fire, and police unions and thanked them all.

[bctt tweet=”We will form a gun violence commission that will not rest until out workers, neighbors and students are safe. ” username=”eyeonannapolis”]

He recounted the campaign and looked to the future. It all started in December 2017 in a barn with 300 people who believed. Putting communities first means honoring the 17 neighborhoods he defined in the campaign. If you want a voice in government, you don’t get by the balance of your bank account or who you know. His advice to people to be heard is to organize. Get people together and build a coalition and unite.The focus will be safe, healthy, thriving, sustainable communities.  We will form a gun violence commission that will not rest until out workers, neighbors and students are safe. Pittman says we will enforce local laws, but immigration enforcement will be left to the feds.  We will issue a report on the impacts of 287G and then kiss it goodbye.

[bctt tweet=”We will enforce local laws, but immigration enforcement will be left to the feds.  We will issue a report on the impacts of 287G and then kiss it goodbye. ” username=”eyeonannapolis”]

Without delay, we will begin talks with the state of Maryland to acquire the grounds of the Crownsville Hospital Center. If you work in the County, you should be able to afford to live in the county.  Pittman will take the threat of sea-level rise seriously. The County will pursue No Net Loss in forest conservation efforts. They will strengthen enforcement of erosion and sediment control laws. They will be hiring the first County Environmental Director. We will create educated communities. Will have more teachers and more counselors and will pay them fairly because they have earned it. We will support the libraries because they support all of us in the communities in which we live.

[bctt tweet=”But I am frugal…so the new slogan will be Anne Arundel Is The Best Place! ” username=”eyeonannapolis”]

And last, we will create a responsive government that you can hold accountable. This is your government, not mine. I need your input. This spring the public will participate in the budget and will decide what they want and how to pay for it.

Finally, we need a slogan. Nod to Schuh as the best place to live, work or start a business.  He likes it and the needs to be more inclusive. But I am frugal…so the new slogan will be Anne Arundel Is The Best Place!


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