July 16, 2024
Annapolis, US 81 F

Patient First offers tips for relieving holiday stress

Patient First LogoThe holiday season means family, friends and fun, but stress is often an unwelcome guest.  It’s no surprise.  The holiday rush seems to start earlier every year and you face a long list of demands – shopping, tight budgets, parties, and cleaning to name just a few.  Holiday stress happens to almost everyone and hits when you least expect it.  A few simple steps from Patient First  can minimize that stress and help you enjoy the holidays.

  • Be a realist.  Many people think the holidays are ruined if things aren’t perfect.  Real life is not like a holiday movie.  Nothing is perfect when people are involved.  Relax when things don’t go the way that you think they should.
  • Stick to your budget.  You can’t guarantee a happy holiday by going on a spending spree.  Decide how much money you can afford to spend and stick to the budget so post-holiday bills don’t catch you by surprise.
  • Make a plan.  Grab the calendar and schedule days for shopping, visiting friends, and other activities.  Don’t wait until it’s too late to finish your wrapping, baking and mailing.  Make time to get the work done so there’s time for fun.
  • Simplify.  Remember that it’s okay to say no.  You can’t do everything for everyone or join every holiday activity that comes your way.  Make some time for yourself so that you are rested for the times you are with friends and family.
  • Exercise.  Exercise and good nutrition help reduce stress.

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