July 17, 2024
Annapolis, US 77 F

When political attack mailers go bad

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stephensonThis election season has been particularly dirty. The sheer number of attack pieces being sent by the candidates is amazing. I do not condone the attack pieces–I think they are cheap shots. But they are a staple of politics and by all counts they are effective. Unless you are running for State Delegate in  the newly created 30-B legislative district of Maryland.

Mitchelle Stephenson is the democrat running for the seat and Seth Howard is the republican.  An attack mailer arrived in South County mailboxes this afternoon from Seth Howard attempting to paint his opponent in a poor light. On the mailer, Howard repeatedly referenced a website for further information– www.mitchellestepehenson.com.

When Stephenson saw the URL, she assumed that since this was an attack mailer that the website was likely an attack website as well. Her official website is mitchellefor30b.org. And we have seen other attack sites created against  Delegate Herb McMillan, Council Candidate Michael Peroutka, and State’s Attorney Candidate Wes Adams.

Fearing what she might find, she went to the site only to find that the site was not in use. And better, it was available.

So within a few hours, Stephenson created a mini website explaining her positions and pointing out some issues of her opponent. And it appears that Howard has mailed this piece to an unknown number of voters in South County essentially directing them to a site that supports his opponent.

As Homer Simpson might say…. d’oh!

We caught up with Stephenson who said, “This was the best $12 I have ever spent.”

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