July 16, 2024
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Discover Annapolis Tours Publishes Manifesto On Gay Marriage Decision

maryland_gayDiscover Annapolis, the trolly company based in Annapolis which refused to accomodate any wedding based on the owner’s personal opposition to gay weddings, has published a manifesto of sorts (PDF) on their website explaining the decision.

In late 2012, Eye On Annapolis broke the story in November that Discover Annapolis had ceased servicing weddings after the owner refused a heterosexual wedding booking and explained that his refusal was due to the recent referendum in Maryland that allows for gay weddings.  In November, the owner, Matt Grubbs, said that an explanation would be posted on his website in January.

Grubbs goes to great lengths to (7 pages) to explain his decision which is peppered with scripture.  While outwardly opposing gay marriage and refusing to serve the marriage needs of the gay community, in his manifesto Grubbs states, “In my view, if there’s anything unique about gay folk, it’s not that they are guiltier than anyone else (they aren’t). What’s unique is the amount of rejection, ostracism, frustration  and sometimes persecution they have to endure in order to feel a little bit like members of the human race.”

At one point, Grubbs defends his company from accepting other non-biblically endorsed weddings (divorced people, Christians marrying non-Christians, etc.) by stating that with a gay couple,  there is “no ambiguity where a gay wedding is concerned.” Apparently someone needs to let Fox News know about that!

He concludes his opinion by comparing “gayness” with alcoholism and encourages Christians to step in and help the gays overcome their affliction.

If a person has a weakness for alcohol and drunkenness, most people would agree that the loving  thing to do is to help that person face and overcome their destructive habits. Those who would  encourage indulgence are not the loving ones, but those who have the courage to confront and  help them. The same is true with those struggling with sexual sins, including same-sex  attraction. The loving thing to do is not to encourage people to indulge or celebrate their sin but  to help them live in accordance with God’s design for them. Paul could say to the Corinthian  believers, “Such were some of you, but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were  justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.” In Christ, there is  forgiveness and salvation, whatever the sin that has enslaved a person. Christians need to be  about bringing to others the deliverance they have experienced. To do anything else would be  unloving.

–Matt Grubbs–Owner, Discover Annapolis Tours

Finally, Grubbs provides links to two websites for “people who are living in victory over their homosexual tendencies.”

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