July 16, 2024
Annapolis, US 79 F

’83 USNA Grad In Trouble With Navy For Raunchy Videos

On Friday, The Virginian-Pilot broke a story about a series of raunchy videos produced with government equipment on board the nuclear carrier USS Enterprise. The videos were produced under the direction of the then Executive Officer (XO) Capt. Owen Honors – now the commander of the carrier, which is weeks away from deploying.

In one scene, two female Navy sailors stand in a shower stall aboard the aircraft carrier, pretending to wash each other. In other skits, sailors parade in drag, use anti-gay slurs, and simulate masturbation and a rectal exam. Another scene implies that an officer is having sex in his stateroom with a donkey.

Honor was a 1983 graduate of the US Naval Academy in Annapolis.

The Navy issued a statement on Friday:

The videos created onboard USS Enterprise in 2006-2007 were not created with the intent to offend anyone. The videos were intended to be humorous skits focusing the crew’s attention on specific issues such as port visits, traffic safety, water conservation, ship cleanliness, etc.

When the Enterprise Carrier Strike Group leadership noted inappropriate content in the videos, Enterprise’s leadership was directed to ensure that any future videos produced conveyed the proper tone and were appropriate for all viewers.

Production of videos, like the ones produced four to five years ago and now being written about in The Virginian-Pilot, ended immediately after being addressed by Navy leadership.

It is unfortunate that copies of these videos remained accessible to crewmembers, especially after leadership took action approximately four years ago to ensure any future videos reflected the proper tone.

The Navy does not endorse any actions that do not protect the dignity of our sailors; treat all people with dignity and respect; and maintain good order and discipline.

What do you think? Harmless fun or something more?

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