July 16, 2024
Annapolis, US 92 F

We Did It!

Eye On Annapolis Top Blog In Area

It happened sometime last night and we want to brag a little.  Eye On Annapolis is likely the top blog in the area in terms of traffic and unique visitors.*

We have been on the scene for just over a year and have brought you content about the things that matter to you in Anne Arundel County.  Politics, entertainment, news, opinion, events, sports, education, From The Classroom, The Bar Bitch, and much much more.  We appreciate the incredible support shown to us by the readers–mosts of whom are from Anne Arundel County. We are not out to attack, put down, or deride anyone. We are out to offer some food for thought–and the more thoughtful people are, the better our world!

Sometime today, our unique visitor count went above 187,000. And based on our recent monthly popularity, we expect to have a quarter of a million unique visitors by the end of the summer! What is even more exciting is that we have almost 700,000 page views!

We offer a unique mix for our readers. The local papers have editors with guidelines and (some say) agendas. We have editors (but they are not paid to well) to make sure stories are coherent and well reasoned, but offer little in the way of steering a message–we are not left, right, or center. We have a bunch of people writing for us and each have (and publish) their own opinions and points of view. We have forged partnerships with WBAL-TV to bring you top regional news every morning. We have the Bowie Baysox reporting on each game played this summer. Seth Perry clues the adults in on a teen’s perspective. Taylor Michie covers sailing. Chanel dishes out advice; and of course our very own Bar Bitch represents life from behind the rail. We even hooked up and integrated with Facebook with the “Recommend” links at the top of the page!

Running a successful blog is not easy. Many will do a few posts and then disappear. Others will sit stagnant, whither and die. Some will alienate their readership and drive traffic away. And for some reason, successful blogs will just stop publishing–just last week, one of our favorites, The Arundel Muckraker went dark! Rest assured, we are in it for the long haul. 187,000 people are telling us that we are serving a purpose for Anne Arundel County.

As we met with local political leaders a few weeks ago, they all read this blog. As we speak with local merchants and residents of the County, many are readers and quite a few have heard about it.  And for that, we thank you! Please let others know about us as well.

If you are on Facebook, when you see a story you enjoyed, please click the “recommend” link at the top of each story and it will share the story on your wall. And remember, we have two Facebook pages too. We’d love for you to become a fan of Annapolis, Maryland or Eye On Annapolis.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

*We monitor all local blogs that deal with issues in Anne Arundel County and understand there are some Baltimore and DC blogs that are larger. We are more focused regionally bringing the content that is relevant to our readers!

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