July 17, 2024
Annapolis, US 78 F

Politics Get Dirty In Maryland

O’Malley And Ehrlich Slug It Out

He’s soliciting state employees one whined. He’s using a SSA computer the other whined. Welcome to Maryland’s 2010 Gubernatorial Election.

Politics is not pretty. It never has been.  Here we are, very early in the primary season and the two (realistically unchallenged in a primary) gubernatorial candidates are tossing barbs. To a degree, this is to be expected.

On Monday, the Ehrlich campaign accused the O’Malley campaign of soliciting State employees for campaign contributions. This was based on an email sent from the campaign to a State employee’s email address. You can read the details at The Sun.

Yesterday, Joe Steffan’s Darkness Rising blog, broke the story about an Ehrlich operative, David Nawrocki, was sending out solicitations for the former Governor’s campaign from a Social Security Administration computer and email address on government time. Whoops.

In the scope of things, these are petty. But as unfortunate as it is, petty seems to win races and we can expect some more of the same.

To Governor O’Malley’s team I suggest that you invest in a different list management software program. Get one that requires a DOUBLE OPT IN. That way no rogues can simply put in any old email address and be added to the list. You can even set it up to block certain domains from registering and eliminate the issue entirely.  Here’s a good one and I highly recommend them.

To former Governor Ehrlich’s team. This was just a stupid blunder. No one deserves to lose their job over this, but certainly with your experience in the MD legislature, US Congress and in the Governor’s mansion–you know better. Just let your people know what is and is not allowed! Simple enough?

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