July 17, 2024
Annapolis, US 93 F

Where’s Classie Hoyle?

Hoyle’s Silence Is Deafening

Dr. Classie G. Hoyle, beneficiary of racist hate literature distrubeted against political opponent, remains mum.
The silent Classie Hoyle

The day before a contested race in Annapolis’ Ward 3, a hateful flier was distributed to voters. It was repulsive. It was hateful. It was bigoted,. It was racist. It was homophobic. It was created to help “Sister Classie” win her election under the pretense of “keeping the Black Power” away from “sin” which was defined as “White + Gay”.

Here is what some of the local Democratic leaders had to say about this despicable flier.

For the record, I strongly condemn this highly offensive flier, which has absolutely no place in our public discourse.

-Josh Cohen, Mayor Elect

It’s sad when people attempt to exploit sexual orientation and make that an issue in a particular race. And unfortunately, in politics, it’s not unusual.

–Carl Snowden, Director of Civil Rights for MD Attorney General

I was shocked to see your email this morning detailing a flyer by an anonymous group targeting Scott Bowling, a Republican.  While I have not seen this flyer, the Anne Arundel County Democratic Central Committee strongly condemns this activity.

–Kory Blake, Anne Arundel County Democratic Committee Chaiman (excerpted from Annapolis Capital Punishment)

I am joined by all members of the Annapolis Democratic Central Committee in condemning a smear against Scott Bowling, a Republican candidate for alderman in Ward 3. The charges against him are bigoted and reprehensible. If the perpetrator is found, and we will make a maximum effort to find the person or persons responsible, we will take action to see that such a voice never speaks for Democrats ever again.

–Nick Berry, Chair, Annapolis Democratic Central Committee

Here is the response from Classie Hoyle:


–Dr. Classie G. Hoyle

A woman who is a supposed “doctor” who is the featured beneficiary of hate literature has nothing to say. And her lack of response certainly diametrically opposed her name!

I suppose that many will just assume (want) this to be yet another footnote in the Dictionary of Dirty Politics; but we say that it needs to be discussed.

This woman who has served the people of Annapolis needs to answer to this. If she was not involved, she needs to say so. Why hasn’t Classie Class-less Hoyle returned a call to The Capital? Why did she not denounce this flier when it surfaced on Monday morning? Is she behind it?

We have a new Mayor who denounced it.  Maybe at the first Council meeting, Class-less needs to answer to her new colleagues and to the new Mayor and to the people of Annapolis.

Is this the type of politics we expect in Annapolis? With the election of Obama last year, one would think that we might have moved on–but apparently not.

The flier apparently worked, which in and of itself is a very sad testament, and Class-less won her election with 59.7%.

I wonder if Class-less might have something to say if the adjectives were turned around on the flier a little bit? You know, “white” for “black”, “daughters and wives” for “husbands and sons”?  Just some food for thought.

All Annapolis residents (not just the Ward 3 residents) need to be appalled at this. This should not be brushed under the carpet.  This still needs to be investigated and Class-less Hoyle needs to make a public statement about it!

Josh Cohen was elected on a platform of change at City Hall–most of the aldermen are the same ones that are sitting on today’s council. Our suggestion to Josh, here is one step for change—require Classie Hoyle to address this issue or to resign.

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