July 16, 2024
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Is This Appropriate In Schools

Has Obama Love Gone Too Far?

This video has been highlighted on the news recently.It is a song that is being performed in a New Jersey elementary school.  Has this gone too far?

While New Jersey is only a few hundred miles up the coast, this is also being introduced a bit closer to home in Howard county.  The right leaning (no sense in hiding it) blog by Brian Griffiths has obtained an email from a concerned parent. Apparently his first grade son was told to learn the words to the “Obama Song” and the parent had requested the lyrics from the school. You can read them after the jump.

But, is this appropriate for any school? For any elected leader? Where does it stop? Are we to sing the praises of Ellen Moyer, John Leopold, and Kevin Maxwell immediately after the Pledge of Allegiance?

What do you think? Please leave a comment! (Lyrics and email from Howard County Asst. Principal after the jump)

Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 11:33 AM
To: (Removed)

Subject: Song

Hello Mr. (REMOVED),

The words to the song are below.

Thank you!

Laurel Marsh

President Obama,
President Obama,
President Obama,
President Obama–He says
Yes we can!
President Obama–We say
Yes we can!
President Obama–I say
Yes I can!
President Obama–He says
Yes we can!
Barack Obama–Oh yes he rates,
The first Black President in the United States!

He’s smart and he’s–so so good!
He’ll lead this country as he should!
He wants us all to work together,
To make this country even better!
Prez’ Obama says–“Yes We Can!”
Make the US better–hand in hand!

President Obama,
President Obama,
President Obama


Laurel Marsh
Assistant Principal
Longfellow Elementary

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Regional Recap, October 1, 2009

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A Violent Day In The County

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