July 17, 2024
Annapolis, US 77 F

Practical Joke? Or Election Fraud?

Email Opens Many Questions

Scott Bowling (R), Aldermanic Candidate for Ward 3
Scott Bowling (R), Aldermanic Candidate for Ward 3

Yesterday, a seemingly anonymous email was received in Annapolis City Hall. Sent from an anonymous email address, it purported to be from Aldermanic Candidate Scott Bowling requesting to remove his name from the ballot of the upcoming City elections.

The email, was decidedly false and thanks to the City Clerk, Regina Watkins-Eldridge, it was verified as being false, among other things.

The email itself was horribly written replete with spelling and grammatical errors (including misspelling Scott Bowling’s name). It even went so far to toss in some slurs and insinuations that really have no place in politics on this or any level.

Some have opined that it was a missive penned under the influence of alcohol, while others feel it may have been a practical joke that went too far.

Bowling released a statement condemning the action and has pledged to work with authorities to get to the bottom of it. However, he reassured his supporters and all residents of his Ward:

I want to assure the voters of Ward 3 that I remain fully engaged in my candidacy. I look forward to meaningful debates on fiscal responsibility and accountability, the proposed tax cap, comprehensive planning, traffic, safety, and the need for a Council-Manager form of government with my fellow candidates.  I appreciate the bipartisan support my campaign is receiving from the voters of Ward 3, demonstrating the importance of the issues in this election.

Regardless, this needs to be taken seriously. Most likely the police will not consider this a priority. But Scott Bowling needs to apply pressure wherever needed to get to the bottom of this. This likely is not just about an email from some drunk or some kid’s idea of a practical joke.  Plain and simple, this is election fraud!

This email cuts to the very core of our rights as citizens. This email essentially places a huge question mark over every candidate for Mayor and Alderman who may or may not have an agenda. It puts a question mark over our entire election process.

Emails can be traced. This issue should not be dropped and swept under the carpet. The proper authorities (presumably the city, county and state election boards) need to work with law enforcement and insist that this be traced and the originator identified.

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