July 15, 2024
Annapolis, US 83 F

So, How Does This All Work?

faqiconFirst of all, many thanks to everyone that has been supporting this new site. Over the past 5 days we have seen our readership grow from quite literally zero to just shy of 150 unique visitor per day.  It seems we may have fulfilled a need in the Anne Arundel online market!  Please continue to check back, bookmark us and please mention us to your friends, colleagues, and even your enemies! We have an easy name to remember–just need to remember it is a dot net and not a dot com!

WHO: Right now, we have 11 authors that have and will be contributing stories, opinion, and photos to this site. If you want to join the ranks, please send an email and let us know. And to the  authors who have already contributed, a hearty thank you as well!

COMMENTING: So, how does a reader become “involved”, it is simple.  At the bottom of each entry is a light blue bar. When you click on the message it will allow you to post your comment. The message changes depending on the number of comments; but if you agree with a post, disagree with it, want to offer a different viewpoint, or just want to say “good job”–please post your comment. There is no registration required so it is very simple.   Also on that blue bar, are options to print and email the post to a friend. In today’s world of being green, I am not sure why anyone wants to print a post (maybe you are hanging it on your refrigerator?), but certainly send the post onto the people you know that may have an interest. You can append it with a personal message and we take care of the rest.

ADVERTISING: Over the next few weeks you will see that there will be more links and advertisers showing up on the side columns. We offer this site to you for free but we still need to pay the bills. The advertisers and links are all associated with local companies in Anne Arundel County. We do not charge for links, and we have a ridiculously low price for a display ad, so if you know anyone that wants some free or low cost advertising, please mention us. But, please check out our sponsors. Click on their links and go visit their websites. If they offer a product or service that makes sense for you–please support them and our local community!

And again, thanks for stopping by. Please return often, as there will be many changes in the weeks ahead with new content and new authjors and new insight!

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EZ Pass My A%#!

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A Stern Warning From Anne Arundel County Schools

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